Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Caputure Bind variables monitoring 11gr2

A developer ask me if i could give him the values of the bind variable.
There are several ways do this. In 11gr2 there is a way to capture the values of bind variable in currently running SQL.
You must have the enterprise edtion of Oracle 11gr2 and have the lisences for diagnostics & tuning packs.
If not i will show you other ways to get the values.

But here is an example of getting the values using oracle's real time monitoring
SQL>var id number
SQL>var naam varchar2(50)
SQL>exec :id :=71757;
SQL>exec :naam :='WRH$_SQLSTAT_PK';

Now run the query
  2          COUNT(*)
  3         FROM
  3          gda001.x a
  5        , dba_objects b
  6        , (SELECT 1 FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 1000) c
  7        , (SELECT 1 FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 1000) d
  8      where
  9          a.object_id = b.object_id
 10     and b.object_id < :id
 11    and a.object_name != :naam
 12   /

Now run the following statement while the above query is running
SQL> select xmltype(binds_xml) from v$sql_monitor where sid = 18 and status = 'EXECUTING';

The output will look like this

  <bind name=":SYS_B_1" pos="2" dty="2" dtystr="NUMBER" maxlen="22" len="2">10000</bind>
  <bind name=":SYS_B_3" pos="4" dty="2" dtystr="NUMBER" maxlen="22" len="2">10000</bind>
  <bind name=":ID" pos="5" dty="2" dtystr="NUMBER" maxlen="22" len="4">71757</bind>
  <bind name=":NAAM" pos="6" dty="1" dtystr="VARCHAR2(2000)" maxlen="2000" csid="873" len="15">WRH$_SQLSTAT_PK</bind>

And there you have it the values of the bind variables ID value 71757 and NAAM value wrh$_sqlstat_pk.

But what if you don't have the diagnostics & tuning packs or you use standard edition.
Well than you can use oradebug.

I use the same statement is above.
The open a sql session. You must have os process id (spid) for the session you use. In my case 12072

SQL> oradebug setospid 12072
Oracle pid: 31, Unix process pid: 12072, image: oracle@ota5070 (TNS V1-V3)
SQL> oradebug dump errorstack 3
Statement processed.

Now go to the place where you have set the udump and open the trace file.

Trace file /oracle/home/diag/rdbms/tst451p/TST451P1/trace/TST451P1_ora_12071.trc
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining
and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/home/
System name:    Linux
Node name:      ota5070
Release:        2.6.18-308.8.1.el5
Version:        #1 SMP Fri May 4 16:43:02 EDT 2012
Machine:        x86_64
VM name:        VMWare Version: 6
Instance name: TST451P1
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 31
Unix process pid: 22336, image: oracle@ota5070 (TNS V1-V3)

*** 2012-07-31 10:55:05.199
*** SESSION ID:(277.12763) 2012-07-31 10:55:05.199
*** CLIENT ID:() 2012-07-31 10:55:05.199
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2012-07-31 10:55:05.199
*** MODULE NAME:(SQL*Plus) 2012-07-31 10:55:05.199
*** ACTION NAME:() 2012-07-31 10:55:05.199
Received ORADEBUG command (#1) 'dump errorstack 3' from process 'Unix process pid: 12072, image: <none>'

To locate the values of the bind variables search for Session Cursor Dump

----- Session Cursor Dump -----
Current cursor: 4, pgadep=0
Open cursors(pls, sys, hwm, max): 3(0, 2, 64, 1000)
Cached frame pages(total, free):
 4k(14, 3), 8k(1, 1), 16k(1, 0), 32k(2, 2)
----- Current Cursor -----
  xsc=0x2b30d3938e38 ctx=0x74469b88 pgactx=0x74469b88 ctxcbk=(nil) ctxqbc=(nil) ctxrws=0x7f56c158
----- Explain Plan Dump -----
----- Compact Format (Stream) -----

You can go down in the file from this point on and after the explain plan you find

Content of other_xml column
  db_version     :
  parse_schema   : GDA001
  plan_hash      : 1182576250
  plan_hash_2    : 2708775469
  outline        : SYS_OUTLINE_12073016024169950
Peeked Binds
  Bind variable information
    max length=22
    value=71757  Bind variable information
    char set id=873
    char format=1
    max length=2000
    value=WRH$_SQLSTAT_PK  Outline Data:

And in red you see the values of the bind variables.

a third way is being around since Oracle 10G and that is view called
Now to find the bind variables of the same query

SQL>select  sql_id,  .sql_text SQL_TEXT, 
         b.name BIND_NAME,
         b.value_string BIND_STRING
         from  v$sql t  join v$sql_bind_capture b  using (sql_id)
        where  b.value_string is not null  and sql_id='7z5czth4q5g4p'

SQL_ID        SQL_TEXT                                 BIND_NAME  BIND_STRING
------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------
7z5czth4q5g4p /* SQL Analyze(17,1) */ SELECT           :SYS_B_1   1000000
               COUNT(*)     FROM         gda001.x e
                , dba_objects d       , (SELECT :"SYS_
              B_0" FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= :"SYS
              _B_1") x       , (SELECT :"SYS_B_2" FROM
               dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= :"SYS_B_3") y
                  WHERE         e.object_id = d.object
              _id    AND d.object_id < :id   AND e.OBJ
              ECT_NAME != :naam

7z5czth4q5g4p /* SQL Analyze(17,1) */ SELECT         C :SYS_B_3   1000000
SQL_ID        SQL_TEXT                                 BIND_NAME  BIND_STRING
------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------
              OUNT(*)     FROM         gda001.x e
                , dba_objects d       , (SELECT :"SYS_
              B_0" FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= :"SYS
              _B_1") x       , (SELECT :"SYS_B_2" FROM
               dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= :"SYS_B_3") y
                  WHERE         e.object_id = d.object
              _id    AND d.object_id < :id   AND e.OBJ
              ECT_NAME != :naam

7z5czth4q5g4p /* SQL Analyze(17,1) */ SELECT         C :ID        71757
              OUNT(*)     FROM         gda001.x e

SQL_ID        SQL_TEXT                                 BIND_NAME  BIND_STRING
------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------
                , dba_objects d       , (SELECT :"SYS_
              B_0" FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= :"SYS
              _B_1") x       , (SELECT :"SYS_B_2" FROM
               dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= :"SYS_B_3") y
                  WHERE         e.object_id = d.object
              _id    AND d.object_id < :id   AND e.OBJ
              ECT_NAME != :naam

7z5czth4q5g4p /* SQL Analyze(17,1) */ SELECT         C :NAAM      WRH$_SQLSTAT_PK
              OUNT(*)     FROM         gda001.x e
                , dba_objects d       , (SELECT :"SYS_

SQL_ID        SQL_TEXT                                 BIND_NAME  BIND_STRING
------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------
              B_0" FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= :"SYS
              _B_1") x       , (SELECT :"SYS_B_2" FROM
               dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= :"SYS_B_3") y
                  WHERE         e.object_id = d.object
              _id    AND d.object_id < :id   AND e.OBJ
              ECT_NAME != :naam

As this is a dynamic view after 30 minutes the data is not available anymore. if you want to see the data from longer ago you can use the view DBA_HIST_SQLBIND.

You need the sql_id and/of snapshot id. This means of course that this only works if you got
the diagnostics & tuning packs.

          FROM DBA_HIST_SQLBIND where sql_id='7z5czth4q5g4p'
------------------------------ ---------- --------------- ------------------------------
:SYS_B_0                                1 VARCHAR2(32)
:SYS_B_1                                2 NUMBER                 1000000
:SYS_B_2                                3 VARCHAR2(32)
:SYS_B_3                                4 NUMBER                 1000000
:ID                                           5 NUMBER                  71757
:NAAM                                   6 VARCHAR2(32)       WRH$_SQLSTAT_PK

6 rows selected.
And there you have them.

Thats it

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