Wednesday, May 9, 2012

ORA-00937: not a single-group group function after upgrade to Oracle 11gr2

I've upgraded an Oracle database to
After the upgrade i got a message from the guys who run the batch jobs that one of those jobs
crashed with the error ORA-00937: not a single-group group function
The same job ran fine on the version
The error occured in this statement

Cursor crb_leidend_b is
        max(to_number(relnr)) relnr
        from    (
                select group_nr, relnr, score
                from crb_groepsscore_b a0
                where exists (
                               select  to_char(a1.group_nr)||to_char(max(a1.score))
                               from  crb_groepsscore_b a1
                               where  a0.group_nr = a1.group_nr
                               and a0.score = a1.score
                ) group by group_nr;

The select statement in red was the cause of the error witch makes sense because in that
statement the funcion max is used so then you have to use the goup by clause.
In Oracle 10gr2 or below Oracle Optimizer doesn't have a problem with that but as of Oracle 11gr2
the optimizer used stricter rules an gives the error  ORA-00937: not a single-group group function.
which is logical.
How to solve the problem.

Well of course you can add the group by clause in the sub query

Cursor crb_leidend_b is
        max(to_number(relnr)) relnr
        from    (
                select group_nr, relnr, score
                from crb_groepsscore_b a0
                where exists (
                               select  to_char(a1.group_nr)||to_char(max(a1.score))
                               from  crb_groepsscore_b a1
                               where  a0.group_nr = a1.group_nr
                               and a0.score = a1.score
                               group by group_nr,score
                ) group by group_nr;

But th subquery is used for the where exsist and this means it only want to know if the value exsist or not. So there is no need at all for the select  to_char(a1.group_nr)||to_char(max(a1.score)). It doesn't return the value only if it exsist.or not.

So the other solution would be

Cursor crb_leidend_b is
        max(to_number(relnr)) relnr
        from    (
                select group_nr, relnr, score
                from crb_groepsscore_b a0
                where exists (
                               select  1
                               from  crb_groepsscore_b a1
                               where  a0.group_nr = a1.group_nr
                               and a0.score = a1.score
                ) group by group_nr

Thats it

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